The message from parents to kids has been the same for decades. Recreational drugs are bad; don’t use them. But when it comes to cannabis, the narrative and the social mores have changed a lot. At the time of ...
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases, characterized by increased blood glucose levels due to a deficiency in the Langerhans islands located in the pancreas and responsible for the secretion of insulin in the body. Insulin is the ...
Telemedicine has become a new paradigm in healthcare. But what happens next? Recent innovations in telemedicine are using artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of service providers, and communicate with patients using wearable devices and other tools to monitor patients ...
Has a crown on your tooth become loose? There’s a dental visit in your near future, unfortunately. Dental crowns, like fillings and other restorative dental work, don’t last forever. In fact, the average lifespan of a dental crown is between ...
Most of us don’t think of physical therapy, unless a physician recommends the same. No matter whether you are recovering from an injury, or need to reduce back pain that doesn’t seem to get better, a physiotherapist can help. Besides ...