What Happens During Alcohol Rehab Treatment?

If you are seeking a rehab center, we are here to help you find what you need. We look into the process of treating drug addiction problems here.

 What Is Alcohol Rehab?

To start, it would be good to understand what the rehab treatment means in the first place. Our Tustin drug rehab aims at helping you stop uncontrollable alcohol and drug addiction. The facility will first address the reason why a person drinks. This is in the aim of getting to the root cause of the problem in order to adapt to new health patterns and behaviors, which can replace drinking alcohol, and abusing drugs.

What Defines a Drinking Problem?

According to the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, you have a drinking problem if:

For women:

  • You drink more than 3 drinks on any single day.
  • You drink more than 1 drink per day.
  • You drink more than 7 drinks per day.

For men:

  • You drink more than 4 drinks on any single day
  • You drink more than 14 drinks per week.
  • You drink more than 2 drinks per day.

Treatment could take place in a variety of environment, last for different period of time and take various forms. Since drug addiction is normally a long-lasting condition characterized by irregular relapses, a temporary, one-time treatment would not be enough. For many people, treatment is a continuous process, which comprises of numerous monitoring and regular interventions. Our Tustin drug rehab usually includes three main treatments which include:

  1. Prescription medications
  2. Behavioral therapy
  3.  A combination of the two

The particular combination or type of treatments would vary depending on your personal needs.

Stages of Treatment

The first stage will involve assessment and intake. Once you come for the treatment, you will be required to undergo a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, which would lead to an personalized treatment strategy.

In stage 2 it will involve detoxification. Various people will have to undergo medical detox in order to address the possible serious medical concerns of abandoning the drug. A physician is responsible for supervising this process.

At stage 3, it involves therapy. At our Tustin drug rehab, you will be required to work with a specialized therapist (social worker, counselor or psychologist) in order to comprehend the factors, which lead to drug addiction. Through this way, you can learn from each other while you are developing specific coping plans to deal with drug addiction problem.